Have you thought about mining cryptocurrency but don’t know where to begin? With so much going on in the vast world of crypto it may seem like an intimidating task. But fear not! There is a simple program that allows you to mine on any Android or PC. There are versions for your Android phone or tablet, and your Linux and Windows PC. You could put every spare device to work (I had 30 devices mining at one point) and be mining your own crypto.

Minergate is a simple interface that allows you to choose from a variety of coins, is extremely easy to use, and a great resource for beginners. You can easily mine XMR, BTG, ETH, ETC, XDN, and BCN with just a couple clicks, and can mine with your CPU or GPU (if it is a good one).

You can create an account, login, and be mining with just a couple clicks. It is the easiest multi – coin miner out there. Follow this link to get started.


Once you have installed the program, just login and start mining!


  •  If you are going to mine on more than one device, each device must be logged in under “extended mode”.
  • If you get the “token expired” message, just reset your device.
  • Setting up a wallet is very easy with a program called Freewallet. They even offer transaction discounts when you withdraw from Minergate to Freewallet
  • Minergate keeps around 30% (i think) of your mining profit. While this isn’t ideal, this is still the easiest and fastest way to get started, especially if you have a few smartphones or tablets sitting around.
  • I recommend protecting EVERY account using 2FA with an email or with google authenticator
  • Go straight for the good coins, don’t waste your time on dead or failed coins like MCN, QCN, INF8, or DSH (sorry to their communities)

Enjoy and please ask any questions, I would love to help you.


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April 20, 2018

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